Sunday, October 15, 2023

OBSCURE O.V.A.S, *D.N.A. Sights 999.9

The late Leiji Matsumoto had several manga titles over his career, most of which were part of a shared continuity known as the Leijiverse. The manga Fire Force DNA Sights 999.9(having no relation to the Fire Force anime TV series)was later turned into an OVA one-shot in 1998 that was released in America under the now defunct Urban Vision only on dubbed and subtitled VHS. That limited engagement is enough proof that this particular anime didn't leave the same kind of mark that other Leijiverse sagas like Harlock or Emeraldas had made. Like other Matsumoto projects, there is the addition of a number to the title similar to Galaxy Express 999 and Interstella 5555 to distinguish them from other anime. DNA Sights 999.9 doesn't have any strong relations to the rest of the Leijiverse aside from some gratuitous cameos in its finale. It does have some impressive animation for the time though by Madhouse Studios.

Set in the far off future of 2024, a meteor had previously split up and caused mass destruction all over the Earth. The survivors of this apocalypse set up a new order secretly led by an alien agent known as Fouton who is trying to cover up the involvement of her people from the arrival of an investigating visitor. The girl reaches Earth in a fiery impact and goes by the name Mello appearing as a ghostly image. She is found by young scavenger Daiba who begins to notice that he has special mental abilities that allow him to figure out any kind of technology. He is later rescued by Yuki, a teenage girl with similar powers that just awakened in her. They find a cat who can communicate telepathically as all three of them have reached a higher level of evolution that gives them understanding of not only alien science but potential future tech. The two teenagers and their cat rendezvous with a more corporeal Mello and realize that they have to leave the planet in order to ready mankind for their next stage of evolution while the Earth spends the next thousand years recovering from the meteor attacks. Fouton is having none of that as she calls the remaining forces under her command to stop their launch into space. Our advanced heroes end up getting saved by Captain Harlock and his ship the Arcadia along with a supposedly automated Yamato from Star Blazers which seriously screws with the Leijiverse timeline as most of the events involving their respective realities haven't happened yet.

Exactly why the Leijiverse history is so wonky is explained slightly in the Harlock Saga OVA where Harlock goes to war with the Norse gods resulting in a new unstable timeline mixing in different titles into a single reality. DNA Sights 999.9 is a victim of this cosmic reshuffling which makes for an incoherent story that is like a chemistry experiment gone wrong. Trying to figure out where the plot is going is a decathlon of endurance with the only relief being that the running time is under an hour.

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