Monday, September 25, 2023

OBSCURE O.V.A.S, *Iczelion

Titled Iczer Girl Iczelion in Japan, Iczelion is the third entry in the Iczer anime franchise, as well as the final one so far. Toshiki Hirano returns as the writer/director for this "supergirls from space" saga, even though it appears to take place in an alternate universe from the previous two Iczer anime titles. There was a trio of radio drama albums that is supposed to bridge Iczer Reborn to this new 2-episode OVA, none of these CDs were available in America. This was available on dubbed and subtitled VHS through ADV Films with so far no DVD release. Iczelion was one of the last in a line of anime titled like Bubblegum Crisis and Ronin Warriors where it's a team of heroes that use special armor to fight bad guys.

Sent in what is probably modern Earth, yet another girl named Nagisa gets pulled into a fight between good and evil aliens. This time, it's the remaining Iczer sisters from the previous two anime titles who have created a new form of AI called Iczels which take on the form of robotic suits that merge with the natives on other planets, sort of like being drafted into the Lensmen or Green Lanterns. The opposing aliens are the cybernetic overlord Chaos whose forces called the Gaes plan to take over the Earth as soon as they take out the four Iczel warriors assigned to it. This includes the Black, Silver, and Gold Iczelions, as Nagisa is now the White Iczelion who is constantly being hunted down by Chaos' sister Cross. Nagisa's hope to be a female wrestler might be an homage to Iczer-3's original voice actress herself being a real-life wrestler, but the whiny girl keeps running away from the deadly droids while her wouldbe teammates handle the bulk of the fighting.

Iczelion does feature decent animation for a 1995 release, even the plot seems to dive more into the superhero market like various sentai or magical girl shows at the time. The dub is tolerable, even though if you were familiar with ADV Films' track record its not too hard to notice the lack in quality. If you were looking for an all-girls take on Saint Seiya, then this is a good if not brief enough attempt at that formula.

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