Friday, September 23, 2022

MISC. MANGA, *Seraphim: 266613336 Wings

Despite being written by Ghost In The Shell director Mamoru Oshi and drawn by Satoshi Kon who created Perfect Blue, you would think that a titles like Seraphim: 266613336 Wings would have garnered more attention. This manga from the 90s went on for a good while during its original Japanese run, despite the fact that it was never completed largely due to a difference of opinion between the two creators. It is difficult to recognize it from either Oshi or Kon's future works, even though it combines science-fiction and Christian lore years before Evangelion had a crack at it.

In a dark future, a sickness called the Angel Plague has brought entire nations to a halt, causing global catastrophes and social unrest for years. The World Health Organization send in a mysterious girl to be escorted by a trio of specialists named after the Three Wise Men(one of which happens to be a dog)and investigate the source of the plague. What follows is a serios look into how religious dogma can affect the mankind by turning the world into a dystopian wasteland.

One of the main things holding this manga back is that it keeps shifting to flashbacks during the first few chapters with no context allowing the reader to know when that portion of the story is taking place. There are a number of parts where the narrative will go off on a tangent focusing on the individual characters' motivations instead of sticking to the main premise. The entire but incom]nplete series is currently available through Dark Horse Comics, so it might be worth a read if you are a steadfast manga historian.

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