Tuesday, June 21, 2022

ANI-MOVIES, *Over The Moon

As the last production written by the late Audrey Wells, Over The Moon is a Chinese represented CGI animated movie centering on family and fairy tales. Former Disney animator Glen Keane directed this direct-to-streaming feature which has been presented with a record setting list of accolades.

In modern day China, young Fei Fei is infatuated with the legend of the moon goddess Chang'e who awaits the return of her deceased mortal lover Hou Yi. When her mother passes away, Fei Fei helps her father, even though four years later she becomes resistant to the inclusion of her possible future stepmother, along with her younger son Chin that who is enthusiastic about making Fey Fey his stepsister. Fei Fei happens to be a dreamer, but a profoundly intelligent student, and combines both her passions to create a spaceship to take her to the moon, mostly to get proof that Chang'e is really up there, all in an effort to have her father not to loose faith in her mother's possible return. She happens to make a fully-functioning rocket based on electromagnetic train tracks, but not without Chin tagging along nearly killing them both after launch. Fortunately, they both get beamed up to the moon, and lead to Chang'e thanks to a pair of flying lions. The moon goddess is the only humanoid ruling over a race called Lunarians who appear to be made entirely of gummy candy. Chang'e gives a showstopper of an intro, and promises to give Fei Fei a photo of herself to prove to her father, but only if she brings her the gift she senses which the moon goddess can use to be reunited with Hou Yi. Fei Fei returns to her wrecked ship, but runs across the totally inserted to be annoying exiled Lunarian, a long-tounged rodent named Gobi. The chattering comic relief helps Fei Fei get the prize in question from some greedy "biker chicks"(actual chickens on lunar motorcycles), which is half of an amulet her wouldbe stepmother happened to sneak in. Not to give away the conclusion, but it greatly contends with the acceptence of mortality and how to move on after a cathartic tragedy.

Over The Moon is deep into Chinese folklore and its effects on family traditions. Dreamworks' founded Pearl Studio did an astounding job with the look of the luminescent moonscape is truly breathtaking taking the viewer into a completely different realm, similar to when Dorothy first arrives in technicolor Oz. Aside from some hit-or-miss musical numbers, it is an all-ages animated extravaganza that makes for a great watching experience with the kids.

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